Inmate Search
Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot
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Perform a free Missouri inmate records search, including jail rosters, persons in custody, recent arrests, mugshot lookups, and active booking logs.
Carter County Jail Information and Inmate Search
The Carter County jail is located in Van Buren, Missouri. The current facility was constructed in 2006 and expanded in 2010. It has six cells and a capacity of twelve prisoners.
P.O. Box 817
1977 Cabin Drive Suite 208
Van Buren, MO 63965
Phone: 573-323-4510
The rosters of most Missouri county jails are available online at VineLink. They are searchable by an inmate’s partial or full name or ID number. Information provided includes inmates’ identifying details, arrest, charge, booking, bond, and release information, and mugshot, when available.
How to Send Mail or Package
All incoming mail must include the sender’s full name and return address.
Inmate’s Full Name
Carter County Sheriff’s Office
P.O. Box 817
Van Buren, Mo. 63965
Visitation Hours
Visits are held via video chat that is on the wall in the Sheriff’s Office Lobby. Visits are 20 minutes, limited to one adult visitor, and held on Sundays from 10am to 3pm.
Visits should be scheduled 48 hours in advance. Special visits may be approved for family members who live 250 miles or more away from Carter County. A special visit is a standard visit on Sunday that lasts 30 minutes. A request form must be completed by the inmate and approved one week in advance. Requests for contact visits with family members may be made after being held for one year.